5 Ways to Improve Your Mitochondria

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Improve Your Mitochondria To improve your mitochondria requires you focus a little more than on just “exercise” or “anything is better than nothing.” First, though, let's talk about why you want to. Now, if you want a deeper conversation, I’ve got a couple resources for you. There are prior Flipping 50 episodes I’ll link to and if you love to geek out and would love 2 hour long explanations you may want to listen to Peter Attia podcasts on the topic or Rhonda Patrick episodes. They both host longer shows that for the most part many of you express you don’t have time (or patience) for but that are very deep dive. Counter to some of the “bros” in science, I also don’t agree with Zone 2 training being the best thing for women to improve mitochondria and VO2 max, at least without understanding it. Practices for Optimal Mitochondrial Performance: Regular physical activity Base building, strength training, HIIT Intermittent fasting or two meals a day Times without eating Reduce stress Overall, stress has a negative impact on mitochondria production because it’s not an “essential” to keep you alive Prioritize sleep Sleep is regenerating at it’s best Nutritional supplementation Secret Weapons to Improve Your Mitochondria Mitopure / Urolithin A - Results seen in about 2 months of supplementation 500 mg a day NAD or CoQ10 - support energy production again, But ignores the need to to clear out poor mitochondria for the inactive (take out the trash) – which is what Urolithin A does. Improves the quality and the quantity of mitochondria. Greater resistance to fatigue, then you walk and move more spontaneously during the day, total energy expenditure increases and blood sugar improves… It's a positive domino effect. C60 - longevity agent, educes inflammation from oxidation and free radical damage, degeneration of cartilage, boosts immunity, hair growth, libido, hormones function better Other Episodes You Might Like: Are Your Mitochondria Aging Too Fast? | Slow Down to Energy Up: https://www.flippingfifty.com/aging-too-fast/ The Importance of Mitochondria | Energy, Heath, and Longevity https://www.flippingfifty.com/mitochondria/ The Most Unsuspecting Motivation Source | C60 30-Day Follow Up: https://www.flippingfifty.com/motivation-source/ Resources: Energy Bits: https://www.flippingfifty.com/energybits C60: https://www.flippingfifty.com/c60 Mitopure: https://www.flippingfifty.com/mitopure

5 Ways to Improve Your Mitochondria

5 Ways to Improve Your Mitochondria
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