How to Sell on Social Media – MELONIE DODARO | DMR #168

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Today I'm joined by a lady who helps businesses, sales teams and professionals to increase leads and generate more clients, on social media. She’s the founder of Top Dog Social Media - welcome to DMR, Melonie Dodaro.

On this episode of Digital Marketing Radio we discuss how to sell on social media, with topics including:

Is it not a bit of a turn-off to be sold to on social media?
What are the right ways to sell of social media?
What platforms are you finding to be particularly valuable at the moment?
What are the common mistakes that you see businesses making when they try to sell on social media?
You’re also author of the LinkedIn Code. What are some of the most effective ways to use LinkedIn for sales?
What type of business professional can benefit most by engaging on LinkedIn?
What are some effective messages to say when you’re reaching out to someone on LinkedIn for the first time?
What about calls to action - what are you finding to be be particularly effective at the moment?
What’s the future of selling on social media?

[Tweet ""Don't collect connections, build relationships." @MelonieDodaro #Quotes"]
Software I couldn't live without
What software do you currently use in your business that if someone took away from you, it would significantly impact your marketing success?
Buffer [Social media scheduling]

Manage Flitter [Twitter management]

Yesware [Email analytics]

SproutSocial [Social media management]

Agora Pulse [Social media management]

Screenflow [Screencasting and video editing software]

Adobe Posts [Create images for social media]

Canva [Create images for social media]
What software don't you use, but you've heard good things about, and you've intended to try at some point in the near future?
Analytics software.
My number 1 takeaway
What's the single most important step from our discussion that our listeners need to take away and implement in their businesses?
Don't collect connections, build relationships. And to truly build those relationships you ultimately have to move them offline. So utilise online tools for what they are. They're amazing, they're brilliant, they offer so much value. But they're not everything. And one last thing - pick up the phone sometimes! Let's not forget about that old fashioned thing that was invented many many years ago - it still works!

How to Sell on Social Media – MELONIE DODARO | DMR #168

How to Sell on Social Media – MELONIE DODARO | DMR #168
Release Date
