Invest In Medford

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Today's episode includes a conversation with Nicole Morell, Cristina McGorty, and Jessica Eisenman Parks about the Invest in Medford Campaign to support proposed debt exclusion and overrides. For more information about the campaign and how to get involved, visit

Thank you to the public for your comments in support of the overides. Below are the messages we received:

Michelle Ann-
“Right now, Medford Public Schools have already had to cut valuable positions and services due to budget issues last year. If these tax overrides don’t pass, 35-45 more positions will be cut, along with services such as behavioral support staff, paraprofessionals, advanced courses at the high school, and the arts throughout the district. This means teachers will take on more work, have less time and energy to create engaging lessons, and certainly less time and energy to spend with students individually as class sizes throughout the district would rise. To have less than adequate funding makes teaching near impossible. The added burdens of inadequate funding make what should be a joyful job a miserable one. 

These difficult working conditions will directly affect our students in Medford. Please don’t ever forget that teacher working conditions ARE student learning conditions. If teachers are struggling and unhappy, students will be too. I want my children to go to school in a district where their teachers are happy and supported, and I hope that district can be Medford.”

“I am in support of 6, 7, and 8 because Medford's needs can't be met as is. The value to our community of being able to do more instead of figuring out how to do less is worth way more to me than $37 a month in my pocket. Honestly I would have gladly supported a bigger ask because these three initiatives are only scratching the surface of what our community needs. Prop 2.5 was not made to never be broken – the majority of other cities and towns have passed multiple overrides, which is why our surrounding communities have more resources and amenities than we have. I have two young kids and hope to stay in Medford for their childhoods, but that decision will certainly have to be revisited if there is not broad community support for our schools in November. “

“As a Medford resident for the past 11 years and the mother of 2 Medford Public School students, I am enthusiastically in support of questions 6, 7 and 8 on the ballot this November.  In particular, I am deeply concerned with the underfunding of our public schools.  We face devastating cuts to programming if we do not vote yes on questions 7 and 8.  Our children deserve every opportunity we can provide for them.  Our educators deserve competitive and fair wages, which question 8 will fund.  Sadly, we have lost paraprofessionals and teachers to other cities and towns that pay more to their educators.  In addition, every single resident depends on firefighters, streets and sidewalks, and it is up to us to fund these properly.  The price of the tax overrides is fair and affordable for most Medford residents.  Those who would face hardship can reduce or defer payments.  For complete, detailed and transparent information about questions 6, 7 and 8, including the amount you can expect to pay, I encourage you to read through the FAQ section of and to use the website’s calculator.”

I’m a parent of 2 young children and I believe there is nothing more important than educating our children - they are our future. We must advocate for them while they can’t do so themselves. 

Our children deserve a fully funded education, access to extracurriculars, and teachers and paras that are excited to be there because they know they are valued. For an average cost of 1 to 2 takeout meals a month, this seems like a no brainer. 

Our firefighters also deserve a space that is up to modern standards. I’ve heard that they want us to vote no for some political reason, but an unsafe and outdated fire station makes all of us less safe.

A no vote on these questions will continue to put Medford in a worse state year after year. It also almost guarantees that we will be passed over for a new high school. So I intend to vote yes on all 3 questions in order to give my children, our teachers, and our firefighters what they deserve.

William T
The streets and sidewalk repair and maintenance projects were kicked down the road by many mayors city councils in the past. There are 95 miles of roadway in Medford. In 2023 one street that is 1,300 feet long was replaced. At that rate we will have dirt roads in 10 years. We need more funding for infrastructure. Lead pipes. Burst pipes. Sidewalks that you trip over. And loud crashing sounds that trucks make when they drive over broken streets. Why wants that?

Medford now has roads that are worse than 2nd world countries. This needs to stop. I support the overrides. More revenue for the city solves real problems. 

And I feel bad for all these neighbors that fall victim to conspiracy theories that Medford is hiding or wasting money. It’s simply not true and not possible to hide money in a city like ours. 

Investing in Schools Parks Fire Departments and  Roads increases the value of our community. 

Heather M
“I am 100% in favor of overrides for our schools (questions 7 & 8) and I plan to vote with the firefighters on question 6. I've heard that firefighters are against question 6, so I'd like more information about whether that's true or not and how they came to that conclusion.”

Invest In Medford

Invest In Medford
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