7. Don’t Let Your Marriage Take the Back Seat to Your Kids: 3 Steps to a Rooted Marriage - Part 2

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Hey mama!
Today’s episode is part 2 of Don’t Let Your Marriage Take the Back Seat to Your Kids: 3 Steps to a Rooted Marriage. It's a continuation of the, NON-sugarcoated, chat between me and my friend Beatriz Vargas, founder of The Grace Fueled Wife who is also a Christian wife coach helping transform marriages. If you haven't listened to episode 6 , I recommend you listen to that one first and then come back to this one. 
We talk all about how not to let your marriage take the back seat to your kids and she gives us 3 practical steps to having a rooted marriage. We talk about how your smartphone is hurting your marriage.   
Did you know that because it’s so common in our culture today there’s actually a name for it? Well according to the Webster online dictionary the phenomenon is called phubbing-the combination between phone and snubbing and is defined as "the act of snubbing someone in a social setting by looking at your phone instead of paying attention."
Essentially, instead of being engaged in a conversation or being present in the room, you are focused on your phone. It’s when you are more focused on your smartphone (social, YouTube, Netflix, emails, etc.) than your husband. Confession, I am so guilty of this! 
Ready for more REAL girl talk? I pray this blesses your marriage.
✨Connect with Beatriz on Instagram @thegracefuledwife and her website is beatrizvargas.com. You can also check out her podcast The Grace Fueled Wife.
✨Be sure you are subscribed to the show so that you don’t miss it. If you loved this episode go and tag me on your Instagram stories @cynthia.p.castro and come over to our Facebook mamahood Rooted Working Mom Community and share what your favorite takeaway is. I'd love to hear from you! 

7. Don’t Let Your Marriage Take the Back Seat to Your Kids: 3 Steps to a Rooted Marriage - Part 2

7. Don’t Let Your Marriage Take the Back Seat to Your Kids: 3 Steps to a Rooted Marriage - Part 2
Release Date
