Dracula Episode: August 24th

Release Date:

Episode Synopsis: Mina arrives in Buda-Pesth to attend Jonathan, who has taken with a brain fever as a result of his terrifying journey. Sister Agatha assures Mina that Jonathan committed no atrocity from which he suffers. Jonathan gives Mina his diary for the sake of transparency, but Mina seals it shut to demonstrate her trust in him. The two are wed by the hospital’s chaplain.

Lucy feels weak, and anxious about some vague fear that has come over her since last night. She remembers having strange dreams, but can’t seem to recall their nature. Arthur has noticed her looking drawn, despite Lucy’s best efforts to be cheerful. She hopes to be able to persuade her mother to let her spend the night with her instead of sleeping alone.

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Dracula Episode: August 24th

Dracula Episode: August 24th
Release Date
