Avoidance or simply a way to clear the mind? Listener question

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I'm curious about your invitation to sit with the discomfort and bring it in closer, inquire about what is actually real, rather than avoid or numb with distraction. Sometimes I have the where with all to do this yet a lot of the time I can be in brain fog / overwhelm / busy mindedness / emotional reactivity and the distraction of going for a walk, doing Wordle, having sex (I wish more often), jumping in cold water helps my mind settle and I can then more clearly see what is actually real and what needs doing. I see these activities to complement being able to inquire and take a look rather than escapism although I can see it's that too.My question is whether it is alway sensible, realistic, even desirable to expect oneself to have the wherewithal to stay with the discomfort and bring it closer. 

Avoidance or simply a way to clear the mind? Listener question

Avoidance or simply a way to clear the mind? Listener question
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