My Thoughts On Affairs

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Either being in an affair or victim of one is really not all that uncommon and I'm surprised it's taken me this many episodes to talk about it! This episode was inspired by someone who reached out to me on Instagram who said she was happy to hear that this is a judgement-free zone, because she was the other woman and was looking to get coached. Now, I want to be clear that there are some extreme circumstances where I would say that it's ok to be in an affair. But in this episode, we're talking about relationships where you want an exclusive and monogamous relationship, and yet, you are the other woman. You are spending time and energy with someone who is committed to someone else, and yet, this is not the kind of relationship you truly want. I want to share with you that I have been there and I can speak to this with experience. I have been a victim of an affair, and at one point, I was in an affair. In this episode, let's take a look at why it is we stay in these relationships, the excuses we make for them, and how to end it and find the relationship you truly want and deserve. Let this be a reminder that although it may not feel like you will find someone else, if this guy can’t give you want you truly want, there is someone out there who can and who will. And once you end the affair and heal your heart, you’ll then have the time and energy to find him. Topics In This EpisodeEvaluating if you truly want out of the affair or notExcuses men give in affairsIf they truly wanted out of their other relationship, they would leaveNot entertaining it when exes come back into your lifeEquating physical chemistry and attraction with loveLooking at your reasons for justifying the situationYou deserve the relationship that you desire to haveResourcesEpisode 194, Addicted to LoveEpisode 193, If Bennifer Can Make It, Why Can't We?I’m excited to share that my course, Stop Wanting Him Back and Find Someone Better, is back for the month of December 2022, and now includes 20 new videos. Plus, there’s a whole bonus dating guide, where I guide you through from the moment you match on the apps, all the way through to when you decide to make things exclusive. There will also be 5 live group-coaching calls in the month of February. So to learn more, be sure to go to if you are looking to get coached on your specific situation and really want to dive in on finding your person who will love you, and all of you, I invite you to apply for my one-year group coaching program, Stop Wanting Him Back and Find Someone Better. I now offer my group coaching program in both six and twelve-month options and in this program, I guide my clients to the results of healing their hearts, falling in love with themselves, and finding someone better. If I was able to transform my life with this work, then I can coach you to get the results of healing your heart too. To learn more, visit my website at:  PLEASE NOTE: Claire refers to her exes and the listener’s ex as a “he,” based on her own personal experience as a heterosexual female, but this work can be applied to ANYONE going through heartbreak. ALL genders and sexual orientations are encouraged to listen and apply Claire’s tools into their own lives!Editing and show notes by Roth Media

My Thoughts On Affairs

My Thoughts On Affairs
Release Date
