Emotions For Holiness | Real Life Testimonies

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Episode Summary | In this episode, you will hear four testimonies told by Christine from four real women who struggle with being tempted with the source idols of 1. Comfort 2. Control 3. Power and 4. Approval. Often times in our lives, when we are experiencing sinful responses to events around us, it is because we have taken one of these four concepts as an idol in the place of God. The emphasis of this episode is helping the audience to take captive the beliefs that we have after an event occurs and reframing it into God's truth. The premise of renewing your mind daily, but this implies that we need to do it moment by moment in order to allow our emotions to be used for holiness. Episode Scripture References |Proverbs 31:25Proverbs 31:27Philippians 4:8Proverbs 16:18James 1:17Micah 6:8Romans 6:23Hebrews 4:151 Peter 5:72 Corinthians 12:9Episode Graphics and Applications |https://www.canva.com/design/DAE87DdttuU/bLDM6lUqw9JVPDAsBN5NXQ/view?utm_content=DAE87DdttuU&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton Make sure you subscribe to The Unconventional Joy Podcast Youtube Channel athttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QphO8wFnz7S5-r-3dpVawEmail in your reflections and anything you'd like to hear on this podcast totheunconventionaljoypodcast@gmail.comConnect with Christine on any of these platforms:Instagram: @twinmamaplus_1Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christine.eddinger.98LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christine-eddinger-73724270/Until next week, seek Him and use all that He has given you, including your emotions, for HIS glory! Support the show

Emotions For Holiness | Real Life Testimonies

Emotions For Holiness | Real Life Testimonies
Release Date
