The Worst Dates We’ve Ever Been On, Our Love Languages, and Times We Were Envious

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You won’t believe what happened to me on my worst date (hint: the police got involved!) Lori recently went on Liz Moody’s podcast, she has an incredible show and is part of my elite mastermind. Liz had these amazing conversation cards and today we decided to have fun and pull some of the cards at random to answer. We share our love languages, dating disasters and times we’ve been envious (plus how we overcame it.) Get ready for some laughs and aha moments as we share what really goes down behind closed doors.    HIGHLIGHTS Activities that invigorate you vs activities that deplete you A hot button issue that has caused tension in a relationship.  What our love languages are and how we express them. Awful dating experiences we’ve had back in the day. Times we’ve been envious of other people (and how we’ve overcome it!)   RESOURCES Join us for our upcoming Italy trip - go to Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day. Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE! Check out upcoming events + Masterminds:   FOLLOW Chris: @chriswharder Lori: @loriharder Frello: @frello_app  

The Worst Dates We’ve Ever Been On, Our Love Languages, and Times We Were Envious

The Worst Dates We’ve Ever Been On, Our Love Languages, and Times We Were Envious
Release Date
