How to become the hero of your own story

Release Date:

No one is coming to save you.
No one is going to pick up a fork and put broccoli in your mouth or say no your mother in law for you.
Change is HARD, so we MUST be the hero of our own story and face the fight head on if we want to succeed in weight loss, habit change, fitness, or really anything.
Unfortunately we’ve been condition to be passive victims… mere side characters rather than the protagonist we were destined to be.
All this can change when we adopt a heroes mindset and know how to keep moving forward even when challenges inevitably come. (There’s no good story without some conflict!)
In this episode go over what to expect, how to embrace struggle, and ultimate transform into the hero that gets the prize.
The hero you are destined to be.
I mentioned a book called — Raising girls who like themselves by Kasey Edwards. So far I’m loving it!! You can find it here:
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How to become the hero of your own story

How to become the hero of your own story
Release Date
