Arne Rubinstein | Bringing Back Traditional Rites of Passage to the Youth of Today.

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Charlie's guest for this epsiode of TRJ is Arne Rubinstein. Arne Rubinstein started his professional life at the coal face of youth trauma and misadventure in several Emergency Rooms in regional NSW. Through his own research, observations and investigations, Arne identified a critical stage in the development of our youths was missing - a traditional and public Rite of Passage. Charlie explores Arne's own regenerative journey into the world of this lost cultural ritual and development of a modern version. Head over here to see show notes and links.

Arne Rubinstein | Bringing Back Traditional Rites of Passage to the Youth of Today.

Arne Rubinstein | Bringing Back Traditional Rites of Passage to the Youth of Today.
Release Date
