Jamaal Bowman Knocked Out of Congress, Julian Assange Is Free, And Pride Month Wrap-Up

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Hear ye, hear ye, Jamaal Bowman has left the building - and not because of a fire alarm this time! Assange is out of prison: is this just or unjust? Hear different takes on the transparency and subterfuge of our military. Finally we wrap up pride month with Biden offering some strange pardons. Josh offers some movie recs, and tells us the BEST SPORTS MOVIE of all time! Did you know… LOOPcast is on your favorite podcast platform. Subscribe on Apple, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen!LINKS YOU’LL LOVEJamaal Bowman crazy clipDailyWire explainer on the Assange DealErika’s interview with Dr. Quentin Van MeterAll opinions expressed on LOOPcast by the participants are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of CatholicVote.EMAIL US: loopcast@catholicvote.org SUPPORT LOOPCAST: www.loopcast.org 

Jamaal Bowman Knocked Out of Congress, Julian Assange Is Free, And Pride Month Wrap-Up

Jamaal Bowman Knocked Out of Congress, Julian Assange Is Free, And Pride Month Wrap-Up
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