Ep 79 - 6 Ways to Increase Your Visibility at Work

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If you want to develop your career, it’s important to be able to communicate your strengths and successes to others, and be visible to key stakeholders within your organisation. Does the thought of doing this make you feel uncomfortable? Many women feel the same. However, a lack of visibility could be holding you back from reaching your career goals and getting the recognition you deserve for the brilliant work you do. In this episode I share: Why visibility is essential for influencing and making an impact in your role How to overcome your fears of criticism and judgement Why we need to stop believing the myth of meritocracy 6 practical ways to increase your visibility in your organisation After listening to this episode, I encourage you to choose one way you’d like to build your visibility and take baby steps towards doing it. Ep 44: How We Give Our Power Away: https://carla-miller.mykajabi.com/blog/ep-44-how-we-give-away-our-power KEYNOTE SPEECHES Does your organisation have any events planned for International Women’s Day in March? If you’re looking for a keynote presentation, a speaker or a workshop, please get in touch. I love to talk about developing female talent, helping women succeed, creating a workplace that works for women and how women can increase their influence and impact. Get in touch to find out more, book a call or share my details with your HR team. https://www.carlamillertraining.com/employers BE BOLDER Increase your confidence and assertiveness at work in my new 4-week course for women. Learn how to set healthy boundaries, say no more often, speak up more confidently in meetings, worry less about what others think of you, have the courage to have challenging conversations and be more assertive in your communication. Each weekly session is delivered as a 2 hour online workshop, starting on Wednesday 23 February. Find out more here: https://www.carlamillertraining.com/bebolder CONNECT WITH ME: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlamiller1 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisiscarlamiller Website: https://www.carlamillertraining.com   SUPPORT THE PODCAST You can now leave a review on Spotify as well as Apple Podcasts. Reviews help more people to find the podcast and for us to help more women in leadership. You can also share the podcast with a friend, colleague or on social media. Thanks for your support, speak to you next week!    

Ep 79 - 6 Ways to Increase Your Visibility at Work

Ep 79 - 6 Ways to Increase Your Visibility at Work
Release Date
