Mark Robnett - Change the Change (#132)

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“Digital transformation is about constantly reimagining how we can serve our members better.” - Mark RobnettThank you for tuning in to episode 132 of The CUInsight Experience podcast with your host, Randy Smith, co-founder of This episode is brought to you by Allied Solutions. Allied Solutions is focused on helping clients grow their bottom line, protect their business and members, and evolve to stay ahead of the competition.My guest on today's show is Mark Robnett, President & CEO of Justice Federal Credit Union. Mark came up through his career with a technology background. In each new role, he grew his skills and experience through continuous learning, taking on the chief executive role at the credit union in 2018. During this episode, Mark shares that he is most excited about the credit union industry’s strategic move to embrace fintech. We chat about how powerful technology is, and Mark explains the credit union’s push to use business intelligence and data analytics to better understand their members.In this conversation, Mark talks about the ways that digital transformation should be more than just a project. He believes that technology is an equalizer, allowing smaller organizations to seem larger because of their technology, despite the cost. Mark shares about the investment in his career that has had the most impact: seeking out and collecting great mentors. He recounts the ways he opens doors for more leaders like him in return.Throughout this episode, Mark shares lots of quotes and sayings that resonate with him. We discuss what makes a good leadership team like a good stew, and the qualities that Mark looks for in members of his team. Optimism and trust make a good leader, in Mark’s opinion. Tune in to hear his thoughts on organizational culture in a hybrid workplace, building an environment of trust, and knowing the right time to abort a new project. As we wrap up the show, Mark shares a leader who gave him impactful advice, the recent read he recommends, and his favorite album of all time. Enjoy my conversation with Mark Robnett!Find the full show notes on on: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, StitcherBooks mentioned on The CUInsight Experience podcast: Book ListHow to find Mark:Mark Robnett, President & CEO of Justice Federal Credit Unionrobnettm@jfcu.org

Mark Robnett - Change the Change (#132)

Mark Robnett - Change the Change (#132)
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