The Thursday Show: Designer Susan Wintersteen on founding Savvy Giving by Design. Plus: Fortress is back with a new foreclosure plan for Cohen Brothers Realty

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BOH editor in chief Kaitlin Petersen and host Dennis Scully discuss the biggest news in the design industry, including Etsy’s return to its artisan roots, surging home insurance premiums and key business lessons from the 50 States Project. Later, designer Susan Wintersteen joins the show to talk about founding Savvy Giving by Design. This episode is sponsored by Isla Porter. LINKSSavvy Giving by Design Business of Home

The Thursday Show: Designer Susan Wintersteen on founding Savvy Giving by Design. Plus: Fortress is back with a new foreclosure plan for Cohen Brothers Realty

The Thursday Show: Designer Susan Wintersteen on founding Savvy Giving by Design. Plus: Fortress is back with a new foreclosure plan for Cohen Brothers Realty
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