62. Remembering Astrology as Praxis with Jonathan Koe

Release Date:

In this episode, my long-time collaborator and treasured friend Jonathan Koe (they/he) and I get to naming just what astrology means to us. We do this by deepening into the keywords of our upcoming learning container: 
We discuss:

The ways our colonial education presents an incomplete model
Learning in community

Competitive & comparative dynamics

How praxis show up in our collaboration
Praxis through the lens of Saturn & Mercury
Praxis allowing the opening of relationships and the loss of control - to not only conquer the concepts and understand the ideas and archetypes, but also to be in communion with and to stand under those ideas.

A certain humility and mystery around learning

An example that I shared around healing Saturnian time and cultivating relationship to the lunar time, balancing the two in order to come into right relationship of time.
Adoption rates and adoption methods in learning
Jonathan shares that they'd rather not be an expert than not be a lover
Remembering our participation in the cosmic body

Remembering as gentleness
Participation as an active word
Cosmos vs cosmic body

In the intro, I share how I feel like Astrology is Praxis feels like arriving to language for how I've been relating to astrology all along in my wild way... now lit up, clarified, and made more potent and approachable by Jonathan's intellectual, creative, collaborative, mystical, embodied care. 
Go visit the course page and sign up to get updates and more information.
As with the last episode, we share this conversation on both Moon to Moon as well as on Jonathan's podcast Healing the Spirit: Astrology, Archetypes, & Artmaking. And we will continue to be sharing conversations on our podcasts across the promo window until registration August 26-28. Along the way, I encourage you to check out Jonathan's intros if you're resonating with our conversations because theirs will be unique to their voice and what wants to move through them for each one.
Jonathan and I feel so proud of what we're co-creating, which is unlike anything we've seen in the astrological community. We're excited to talk with you and share insights across the promo window. Astrology as Praxis is so vast! There's a lot to discuss, question, name, and invite in. Be sure to follow me and follow Jonathan on Instagram because a lot will be happening there, which will not be the same as what we share via our separate newsletters. Sign up for my newsletter here and for Jonathan's here.
No rush to worry about whether the course is right for you. For now, enjoy engaging in these conversations with us!
Sending love to everyone whose heart is already, always called to Astrology as Praxis, whether as a future participant or as someone curious to learn, listen, and engage with our thesis. It belongs to all of us.
Podcast art by Angela George. Podcast music by Jonathan Koe.

62. Remembering Astrology as Praxis with Jonathan Koe

62. Remembering Astrology as Praxis with Jonathan Koe
Release Date
