117. All About Promo Magic

Release Date:

In this episode, I share all about my relationship to Promo Magic. I LOVE PROMO! And I am often told I help you to reimagine what a relationship to promo can be like.
In the episode we discuss my process, which you're encouraged as always to amend to your taste and affinity...
- how I write promo to my younger self
- how I do not withhold material ever and let all the goodies spill out everywhere because I trust I am a fountain and there's always so much more to share inside the containers I promote
- how I trust that all timing is perfect and I don't get to decide everything about my promos
- how I see my offerings as beings outside myself who come to me to be a steward and help them find the humans who are meant for them... my job is to build the pathway for them
- how my offerings love that I am reckless in the face of danger for them, how I am willing to be judged and misunderstood for them
- promo is always erotic, always
- every promo has its own frequency, even containers I have held before
- every promo brings me on the next most loving healing journey for myself
- promo is an investment for me too
- anytime I do anything it might be the last... my offerings like that I am emergent, always... it's how I love them
- my attitude for all investments: I cannot fuck up what my heart wants to invest in, and I always get exactly what I came for and more
- we cannot possibly know all the reasons why we're drawn to things because it's a mystery that only our soul knows
- promo is the same for all price points, including free things
- updates from the promo field right now
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Podcast music Joanthan Koe. Podcast art Angela George.

117. All About Promo Magic

117. All About Promo Magic
Release Date
