RENEWables #40: The Zero Waste Chef’s Tips & Tricks for “Breaking Up with Plastic” for a Plastic-Free July

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Concerned with the planet’s plastic pollution problem, Anne Marie Bonneau, a Senior Editor at a San Francisco based publishing company realized how much food was being wasted in her own kitchen and decided to go plastic-free in 2011.  “I have always been obsessed with food and cooking and when I became aware of how much unnecessary waste was making it to the oceans, I decided I wanted to break up with plastic”, says Bonneau, now known as the Zero-Waste Chef.  To cut down on plastic waste, she began shopping at local farmer’s markets and would take her own glass jars, stainless steel containers and homemade cloth bulk bags to fill up on organic ingredients. Today she spends her time teaching others how to be “plastic-free” while saving time and money.
Tune into this episode of RENEWables to learn some very valuable tricks and tips on how you can cut down on plastic waste in your home and everyday life.
Doesn’t it seem strange to use something that basically lasts forever for something you will only use for a few minutes and then throw away? provides resources and ideas to help reduce single-use plastic waste at home, work, school, and everywhere else consumers, well, consume.
Show Notes: - connecting people who wish to recycle their food scraps

RENEWables #40: The Zero Waste Chef’s Tips & Tricks for “Breaking Up with Plastic” for a Plastic-Free July

RENEWables #40: The Zero Waste Chef’s Tips & Tricks for “Breaking Up with Plastic” for a Plastic-Free July
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