BIRTHFIT Podcast Episode 236: Diane Lee, Physiotherapist

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Diane Lee is a physiotherapist in Canada. She specializes in manual therapy focusing on prenatal and postpartum women. Lindsey discovered some of her research contributions when she was looking for research on Diastasis Recti Abdominis (DRA). Diane has studied DRA extensively. She has determined that IRD (Inter Recti Distance) does not matter when assessing DRA. Diane states that depth tells the story of functionality. If you’re at all interested in DRA (and prolapse), this episode is a must listen!  A bit on Diane…She graduated with distinction from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor degree in the Science of Rehabilitation in 1976. She has been a member of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association since 1976 and a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Therapy since 1981 (FCAMT). She completed  certification in Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) in 2001, Yoga teacher training in 2012, pelvic floor certification in 2013 and was recognized by the Canadian Physiotherapy Association as a clinical specialist in Woman’s Health in 2016. She is well published (books, chapters and journal articles) and the innovator of two pelvic support belts for which she holds the patent; The Com-Pressor and the Baby Belly Pelvic Support ( Diane owns, directs and is a practicing physiotherapist at Diane Lee & Associates ( She has continued to maintain an on-going clinical practice for over 40 years and while she follows the research evidence closely, she draws from this deep clinical experience for her teaching and lecturing in the clinic, in Canada and internationally. ✨ 🎙️Support the BIRTHFIT Podcast: 💪 Looking for a general strength and conditioning programming designed for women in all seasons of life? Join our B! Community membership: 🤰Looking for a Prenatal Exercise Program to fit your modern lifestyle and biological needs? Discover six ways to support your pregnancy: 🤱Do you have a desire to rehab your core and pelvic floor intentionally? We're here to support you: 📚Want to learn how to coach pregnant and postpartum women? The BIRTHFIT Coach Course is the only holistic, nervous system-focused, functional training certification for women in the motherhood transition. Join the waitlist:

BIRTHFIT Podcast Episode 236: Diane Lee, Physiotherapist

BIRTHFIT Podcast Episode 236: Diane Lee, Physiotherapist
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