Devarim דברים 2022 Being Shown The Bais Hamikdush from Afar

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This Shabbos is Shabbos Tisha Bav Shabbos Chazon. The holy Bardichever says that Hashem shows us the third Bais Hamikdush on this Shabbos from afar. Usually we could see things that get us inspired but it’s limited based on our capacity and how we perceive things . Then we can be shown things from Hashem that will inspire us showing us things in a whole new dimension that will cause us to mend our ways for good and to merit the third Bais Hamikdush. לקו״ש לט

Devarim דברים 2022 Being Shown The Bais Hamikdush from Afar

Devarim דברים 2022 Being Shown The Bais Hamikdush from Afar
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