Behar בהר 2024 Can I really make a difference?

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The ultimate reason of being on this world is to make a difference and to change the world. Our Parsha talks about somebody who is struggling with the mitzvah of Shmitah, asking how will he have food to eat if he doesn’t plow? Or somebody being sold as a slave to a non-Jew, questioning if he still has to keep the mitzvahs. Yet the name of the Parsha is Behar-“ mountain”- representing the mountain of Sinai where the Torah- something beyond the world- was given. The truth is that the entire purpose of Torah is to live in a reality where you could fail, yet where Torah gives you the power to overcome. Lag B’Omer is going to be this Sunday and Reb Shimon bar Yochai offers the same message; that although Torah is so important, ultimately it’s about reaching out to somebody else who doesn’t learn yet- to overcome any challenges and to encourage him to learn as well.
לקו״ש יז

Behar בהר 2024 Can I really make a difference?

Behar בהר 2024 Can I really make a difference?
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