Behaalotecha ‎בהעלותך 2024 Exposing the Fire within

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Aron HaCohen’s mind is weakened because he’s not part of the inauguration process of the Mishkan. Hashem says “I swear by your life that your lighting the menorah will be even greater”. What really bothered Aron was that it appeared that leaders gather only at a special time to bring gifts and encouragement- meaning that this is only directed for great people that are about to embark on a great service of Hashem. However, his concern was about the Jew that’s not so great or not as involved in serving Hashem. Therefore, Hashem tells him that every time you sincerely reach out to a Jew, you will light his fire and bring all the energy and encouragement as if it’s being inaugurated for the first time.
לקו״ש י״ח

Behaalotecha ‎בהעלותך 2024 Exposing the Fire within

Behaalotecha ‎בהעלותך 2024 Exposing the Fire within
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