Do Women Prefer Dominate Men? Assertive Men vs. Controlling Men (6 Dominate Traits She Finds HOT!)

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Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Do Women Prefer Dominate Men? Assertive Men vs. Controlling Men (6 Dominate Traits She Finds HOT!) Do you know if you're an Assertive or Controlling man?  Do you wonder if there is any difference?  If you ever thought that if an woman wants a more assertive or controlling man, you are in for a special treat. In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti delves into women's preferences regarding assertive and controlling men. The discussion focuses on six dominant traits that women find appealing, differentiating between assertive and controlling behaviors. Apollonia has seen the behaviors of Assertive and Controlling men. And she sees how women are attracted to assertive men.  But what is an assertive man? Assertive men emphasize the importance of direct yet sensitive communication with their partner. The Assertive man establishes clear boundaries, which he adheres to while respecting those of others. Conversely, the controlling man resorts to manipulative tactics, such as guilt-tripping, to fulfill his desires. This dynamic creates an unhealthy scenario where the partner feels the need to constantly please the controlling individual, often at the expense of neglecting their own needs and desires. If you want to learn the difference and become a man who can attract high-quality women, this podcast episode is for you! Key points in this episode: 1:00 - High-value women love assertive men, not controlling ones. Apollonia will explain the difference between being assertive and controlling behaviors in the relationship. 1:26 - The way an assertive man communicates is direct and yet sensitive. At the core of his assertiveness are boundaries that he had set up, and he respects other people's boundaries. 2:23 - Decision-making isn't only for him to make but collaborating with everyone involved. An assertive man communicates his thoughts and feelings while embracing his partners. 3:25 - An Assertive Man respects his partner's independence. He helps her or creates that space of autonomy, gives a sense of security in the relationship, and offers support when his partner needs reassurance. 4:04 - In contrast to Assertive Man, a Controlling Man looks at relationships to exhibit his power and authority. He goes his way or no way. 5:01 - A Controlling Man will manipulate situations. Not only does it erode trust and understanding in the relationship, but it will create an unhealthy dynamic. 6:15 - Emotional manipulation is joint in controlling men. He does it through guilt-tripping to get the things he wants. This creates situations where his partner constantly tries to please him and disregards her needs and wants. This is toxic. 7:14 - There's always a vast difference between awareness and controlling behaviors. An assertive man is what women want and are attracted to. 7:45 - Apollonia explains why an Assertive man is highly sought after in dating. 9:36 - healthy relationships need to have nurture and assertiveness. They need to balance supporting each other while setting boundaries most healthily. tips have helped me with my dating!"

Do Women Prefer Dominate Men? Assertive Men vs. Controlling Men (6 Dominate Traits She Finds HOT!)

Do Women Prefer Dominate Men? Assertive Men vs. Controlling Men (6 Dominate Traits She Finds HOT!)
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