A Good Foundation for Horses with Dr. Shelley Appleton

Release Date:

Horsemanship Breakthroughs Podcast: A good foundation for horses with Dr. Shelley Appleton
"Domesticated Horses Are Still Wild Horses At Heart!”
Dr. Shelley Appleton has a doctorate in human learning and combines this with an extensive knowledge of working with horses.
She is a highly skilled horse trainer who can help you solve your frustrations with your horse.
Shelley combines understanding of humans and a lifetime of exposure with horses to provide effective and encouraging coaching to help both horse and rider become more skilled, competent and confident.
Shelley can help remove the frustration and fear out of owning and riding horses and increase your enjoyment. She teaches riders how to support their horse to be calm, willing and confident.
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The 2 horses that changed Shelley’s direction with training horses
The story of how Shelley made her horse’s mouth bleed and how that was a catalyst for change
How Shelley teaches her students to put a foundation on their horses
The importance and science behind changing beliefs when teaching humans about training horses
What happens to your horse’s coping mechanism when your horse’s basic needs are not satisfied
Why a domesticated horse will always live with a certain degree of stress
Shelley’s can of worms on the Positive and Negative Reinforcement debate
The myth behind negative reinforcement being fear-based
Why Shelley thinks that negative reinforcement actually gives the horse a greater sense of autonomy
Debunking the fear theory with horses
How treats can actually trigger the same amount of angst as a whip
Contact vs a soft feel
Who inspires her and her favourite resources in horses & self-development
Her current fascination with herd dynamics in performance horses
What a 10-year-old taught her about riding
Shelley’s view on calming signals, like yawning, licking & chewing etc.

Shelley is a boss! I have a lot of respect for her. She is highly educated, she’s passionate, she knows what she’s talking about, and has a really positive impact on the horse community educating humans how to put a good foundation on their horses. 
Find out more & connect with Shelley on Instagram, Facebook, and her website www.calmwillingconfidenthorses.com.au
Listen now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube!
Have questions or suggestions for future episodes? ⁠⁠
Connect with me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/amalia_horses/⁠⁠
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A Good Foundation for Horses with Dr. Shelley Appleton

A Good Foundation for Horses with Dr. Shelley Appleton
Release Date
