482: BSD XFCE Desktop

Release Date:

5 Key Reasons to Consider Open Source Storage, OpenBSD Minimalist Desktop, BSD XFCE, Alpine Linux VM on bhyve - with root on ZFS, FreeBSD Jail Quick Setup with Networking, and more.
This episode of BSDNow is brought to you by Tarsnap (https://www.tarsnap.com/bsdnow) and the BSDNow Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/bsdnow)
5 Key Reasons to Consider Open Source Storage Over Commercial Offerings (https://klarasystems.com/articles/open-source-storage-over-commercial-offerings/)
OpenBSD Minimalist Desktop (https://nechtan.io/articles/openbsd_minimalist_desktop.html)
News Roundup
BSD-XFCE (https://github.com/Wamphyre/BSD-XFCE)
Creating an Alpine Linux VM on bhyve - with root on ZFS (optionally encrypted) (https://it-notes.dragas.net/2022/11/01/creating-an-alpine-vm-on-bhyve-with-root-on-zfs-optionally-encrypted/)
FreeBSD Jail Quick Setup with Networking (2022) (https://www.shaka.today/freebsd-jail-quick-setup-with-networking-2022/)
Beastie Bits
EuroBSDcon videos are now up (https://www.youtube.com/c/EuroBSDcon/videos)
LibreSSL 3.6.1 released (https://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article;sid=20221104064712)
Raspberry Pi 4 with FreeBSD 13-RELEASE: A Perfect Miniature Homelab (https://www.coreystephan.com/pi4-freebsd/)
AsiaBSDcon 2023 CfP (https://2023.asiabsdcon.org/cfp.html.en)
This weeks episode of BSDNow was sponsored by our friends at Tarsnap, the only secure online backup you can trust your data to. Even paranoids need backups.
John - Allan's meetup (https://github.com/BSDNow/bsdnow.tv/blob/master/episodes/482/feedback/John%20-%20Allan's%20meetup.md)
Matthew - atime and a question (https://github.com/BSDNow/bsdnow.tv/blob/master/episodes/482/feedback/Matthew%20-%20atime%20and%20a%20question.md)
Valentin - Becoming a FreeBSD Developer (https://github.com/BSDNow/bsdnow.tv/blob/master/episodes/482/feedback/Valentin%20-%20Becoming%20a%20FreeBSD%20Developer.md)
Send questions, comments, show ideas/topics, or stories you want mentioned on the show to feedback@bsdnow.tv (mailto:feedback@bsdnow.tv)

482: BSD XFCE Desktop

482: BSD XFCE Desktop
Release Date
