Rachel Johnson on Mastering Two Careers at Once, the Biggest Mistakes Founders Make, and How to Combat Sitting at Your Computer With Health

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Some people can't master one job, but if you're Rachel Johnson, you own your own 19-person law firm and double as a health and wellness founder. While working the high-stress life of being a lawyer for venture-backed high-growth startups, Rachel found herself never leaving her desk. Couple that with being a working mom, and it was time to make some profound health changes.
In addition to being the co-founder of J&O Law, Rachel is the founder of @ahmi.health. She is on a mission to change dieting by sticking to a simple mantra of Greens. Water. Move. Repeat, and the focus is on creating small, sustainable habits you can build on to accomplish big changes in your life. What began as an accountability group would soon become a passion project for Rachel. After the birth of Rachel's second child, Rachel wanted to get healthy for good but couldn't find a company to connect and understand her needs, so she created one.
That was how Ah.mi (a play on the French word for friend) was started in January 2019 when a few of Rachel's friends committed in a group text to eat healthier through simple meals and move their bodies regularly. After three months of committing together, *big* changes started to happen — Rachel and her friends felt happier and fitter than ever. The best thing was they didn't want it to end. What began as a group text has grown into an innovative health and wellness company on a mission to make healthy living *realistic* and doable for all. ah. mi's Le Health Club is a virtual health club membership that emphasizes community support and gives you the tools and resources to get healthy for good.
In this episode, Rachel shares some valuable advice to those considering starting their own companies, inexpensive options if you plan to start your own business, and why you should pay attention to the things that really make you happy.

Rachel Johnson on Mastering Two Careers at Once, the Biggest Mistakes Founders Make, and How to Combat Sitting at Your Computer With Health

Rachel Johnson on Mastering Two Careers at Once, the Biggest Mistakes Founders Make, and How to Combat Sitting at Your Computer With Health
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