Booth Life

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Are you ready to get a booth or shop in a local store? In this episode, I'll cover a lot of topics and suggestions for you to ask yourself or to consider before you get started in your booth life journey.Topics like:Where·       Visit as many local shops as possible.·       Visit at different times—are they usually busy?·       How far away are they?·       How often can you go “fluff your booth”?·       Think about drop off and pick up of your items.·       What are their hours? 10–5? Products·       Is anyone else selling or having the same product as you?·       What has the best vibe for what you are creating·       Every square inch is producing profit. Walls, floor, ceiling·       Are you wanting a gallery or a retail store or a combination of both?Space·       How much space do you need?·       Are the isles tight?·       Plan for growth·       Move from just getting into being in the prime location·       When are work nights?·       What booth types are around you?·       Are all the areas of the store the same feel?Customers·       What’s the target audience?·       Do they want a delivery?·       Do they want Layaway?·       Are there shopping with carts?Contracts·       How does booth contract affect your pricing?·       Contract things to considero   Rento   Commissiono   Sales software·       Get to know the managers, the movers, the staff, etc.Advertising·       What’s their social media following?·       Do they have a website?·       Do they do any advertising—Billboards, social media, will they feature your booth or work?·       Do they have promotional sales events, are some mandatory?Support the show

Booth Life

Booth Life
Release Date
