16. Conscious Nature - Josh Lane

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"Inner tracking, to me, is that interface of how we meet the world -how we meet ourselves- and how we say yes to choosing a path of the most peace, the most passion and purpose in bringing that forward."In this episode, we are joined by Josh Lane, a long-time mentor and expert in nature connection and inner tracking. We discuss Josh's work in bridging the gap between mindfulness/meditation and deep engagement with the natural world. Josh explains the importance of cultivating presence and using the senses to deeply observe one's surroundings, as a gateway to developing a more profound connection with nature. We discuss how facing our fears and preconceptions about the natural world can lead to deeper understanding and appreciation, as well as the scientific research behind the benefits of nature connection, including the relaxation response, epigenetic changes, and the way it can enhance our attention, intuition, and overall well-being. We also highlight how these insights can be applied in daily life. Jon reflects on the responsibility of passing on the nature connection teachings to the next generation, and expresses gratitude for Josh, Aidan, and Sarah's roles in continuing and expanding this work. “You go to your sit spot and you meet these rites of passage of fear and cold and dark and wet, and you then you start to go deeper into the power of meeting that place with stillness, and what I found was there are these thresholds that happen where you start to tap into parts of yourself that you weren’t aware of when you started the journey. ”About Josh LaneThe author of the book, Conscious Nature: The Art and Neuroscience of Meditating In Nature, Josh coaches heart-centered change makers and leaders in saying YES to taking the next courageous steps in their deep-purpose work and calling. Josh's unique visionary work teaches clients how to release limiting subconscious/energetic patterns and embrace their genius, so that they can move forward with greater confidence and inner clarity on their paths. His background includes serving for over 25 years as a mentor in the arts of deep nature connection, with a focus on the ancient perceptual skills of wildlife tracking and reading Nature’s pattern language. Josh’s teaching fuses primal understandings from the wild with insights from brain-based coaching, to help bridge the healing energy of Nature into the modern experience. Learn more about Josh's work at https://www.ConsciousNature.netJosh's Free Guidebook with Inner Tracking Tools:How can we move beyond fear, worry, and self-doubt to bring our visions fully to life? Learn how to track the hidden inner patterns that shape your choices and future. https://www.consciousnature.net/impact

16. Conscious Nature - Josh Lane

16. Conscious Nature - Josh Lane
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