The Maltese Community taking part in The International Youth event 'Travel the World in a Day’ - Il-Kunsill Malti ta’ Victoria se jieħu sehem fl-avveniment taż-żgħażagħ ‘Travel the World in a Day

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Joseph Matina from the Executive of the MCCV speaks with Joe Axiaq about The International Youth event 'Travel the World in a Day' and encourages all Maltese people and Maltese language students to attend this special event. - Is-Sur Joe Matina, mill-Esekuttiv tal-Kunsill Malti ta’ Victoria, jitkellem ma’ Joe Axiaq dwar l-avveniment ‘Travel the World in a Day’ waqt li jħeġġeġ lill-Maltin u l-istudenti tal-Malti jattendu għal ġurnata ta' attivitajiet internazzjonali, inkluża l-kultura Maltija.

The Maltese Community taking part in The International Youth event 'Travel the World in a Day’ - Il-Kunsill Malti ta’ Victoria se jieħu sehem fl-avveniment taż-żgħażagħ ‘Travel the World in a Day

SBS Radio | Maltese News: 02/07/21 - SBS Radio | Aħbarijiet bil-Malti: 02/07/21
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