Puppy Poop Outside on Time, Every Time!

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In this Podcast I give you VERY SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS on how to get your puppy to poop outside every time.  For me it is not enough to have my clients puppies going to the bathroom outside.  It is of vital importance you bring your puppy outside and it goes to the bathroom quickly and efficiently.    You NEED to get Predictable Puppy Poop without messing around (chewing, digging, nipping or pulling on the leash).   Most puppy owners are more than happy to squander their precious time with their puppies outside holding the leash like a dope, basically willing their puppy to go.  AIN’T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT, especially when you could be developing and making your puppy tired through play with your limited time! Stop patting yourself on the back for “throwing spaghetti against the wall” and sometimes having it stick.  Instead be a PUPPY POOP SNIPER!! If you are loving this podcast and want more free resources go to: www.freepuppytraining.com here you'll find my audio/ebook, webinars and training videos.  If you want me to personally walk you through your puppy's development, check out my online puppy training course: www.trainthroughplay.com .  Follow me on FB as I sometimes do FB LIVE Q & A's.   Need more information and inspiration? Make sure to subscribe!! I'll show you your puppy is a Champion!  Pat Quinn Founder & Creator  Champion Puppy Training System 

Puppy Poop Outside on Time, Every Time!

Puppy Poop Outside on Time, Every Time!
Release Date
