BGTG 155 - BGG.con 2014 Planning For NEXT Year

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I'm glad I've received good feedback about all of these BGG.con episodes, because I have TWO more. There's this one with Davebo, a look back on the con after I'd been home for a while (which also serves as a look forward to next year--I hope to return). Then a little later I'll record my traditional post-BGG.con episode with Greg Pettit where we talk about the new Essen titles we played. We kind of did that already in the daily episodes during the con, but we've each had more time to play other titles, refine our opinions, and also look back a year to consider what happened to the 2013 titles.In this one, Dave & I reflect on what we enjoyed, what we want to do again next year, and what we would wish to do differently. Some of those I have a clear idea about, and others I'm still not sure about. In particular, I can't quite figure out what I want to do about meeting new, random people and playing new games with them. Perhaps old games with new people can be a good combo (like the Entdecker-with-BGTG-listeners idea), and new games with old friends (who can do the teaching) can also be good. I'm not sure I'll do new games with new people again. Maybe.Hey! I'm really asking for feedback this time. Dave & I asked several questions, and we want your feedback. I'm giving away podcast buttons as little prizes. If you win, you get a Boardgames To Go button, a Wargames To Go button, or both if you want!Button contests!!1. Best answer: What game SHOULD I have played (geeklist)2. Best answer: Suggestions for the upcoming (March!) BGTG 10-year anniversary (geeklist)3. Randomly chosen: A commenter on this blog (below)4. Randomly chosen: A commenter on Facebook ( Randomly chosen: A commenter on Twitter (@BoardgamesToGo)Plus a couple more for Dave's questions:a. Best answer: How did you make the convention shuttle work for you? (comment below)b. Randomly chosen: When did you listen to the daily episodes? Right away or later? (geekmail to Dave)

BGTG 155 - BGG.con 2014 Planning For NEXT Year

BGTG 155 - BGG.con 2014 Planning For NEXT Year
Release Date
