Academic-Adjacent Careers with Amber

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EPISODE 19 | Amber steps out from behind-the-scenes this episode as our second guest for the season. We are talking all things academic-adjacent, sometimes also referred to as alt-ac. These are career paths that many of us take post graduate work that is not the traditional route, i.e. becoming a professor. Stay tuned to hear Amber's story from a young girl in the Midwest with an interest in ancient history, to her Master's program in Egyptology at UCLA, museum work, and her many twists and turns since. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and iHeartRadio. If you like what you hear don't forget to subscribe, and drop us a five-star rating or review to help new listeners find us.[all views are our own]Show notesIf you want knowledgable hot takes on headlines about archaeology, Egyptology, and antiquity in general delivered to your inbox, subscribe to our Substack Ancient/Now.You can also support the podcast by becoming a Patron.Follow Kara on social media, visit her website, and more:  Get full access to Ancient/Now at

Academic-Adjacent Careers with Amber

Academic-Adjacent Careers with Amber
Release Date
