369-Weight Gain: Experiencing, Processing and Accepting a New Body Weight

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I’d love to get you started with a mini-lesson on dealing with weight gain. This is how you set yourself up to be neutral with your body and create confidence, freedom, and ease in your life today, next month, and for the rest of your life. #1-Nothing has gone wrong It’s expected and normal that you gain weight after dieting. Research is clear: the #1 predictor of weight gain is having been on a diet. Your body didn’t wrong you. You didn’t get lazy. So stop the mental self-torture and make a choice: Go back on a diet and commit to being on it for the rest of your life; otherwise, you’ll regain the weight AGAIN. (NB-I can’t help with this choice… preferable that you unsubscribe to my emailing you as this will only be more torture for you.) Accept that controlling the amount of fat your body is NOT in your control and move to step 2. #2-Weight acceptance doesn’t mean giving up Accepting your body weight simply means focusing on what you can actually control. It means making your life a lot easier by reducing the stress, anxiety, and discomfort you experience EVERY DAY. It means taking care of your health in a way that is SUPPORTIVE. Moreover, it means working “hard” but in a new way: in a way that makes you feel better right away. #3-Change the focus The goal you were chasing through controlling your body weight can be achieved in another way. Happiness, confidence, and security are the outcome of what is happening in your mind, not the size of your pants. Focus on mastering your mindset so you can think thoughts that will allow you to access your desired feelings RIGHT AWAY. That same mindset skill you’ll learn is what will allow you to commit to health-promoting behaviors beyond weight loss. #4-Think about food but in a new way Use food to build trust with your body instead of trying to control it. Learn to think about food in a way that will not create obsession and rebellious eating. Learn to eat in a way that will be healthy and sustainable for the rest of your life. Eat in a way that will be easy and respectful of your body. #5-Be radical in choosing love at every corner Learn to RESPOND to fear instead of REACTING to fear. Responding, for example, means when you encounter a circumstance where you feel your body is being judged, instead of reacting and planning your next diet, you instead become curious as to why you felt judged and work on what in you created this feeling of being judged. Meet the desire to starve your body with self-compassion. It will require effort to learn to process fear differently and choose love for yourself, but you CAN DO IT. It’s a revolutionary choice for women to accept their body and weight gain. Everything in our society is built to make it hard for women to be accepting of their body and age, so we buy into the multi-billion $$ weight loss and anti-aging industries. YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS. You’ve been doing hard things your whole life, and this one is no different. I BELIEVE IN YOU and your capacity to do this work. Moreover, I will uphold this belief for you until you build the skill to believe in your damn self. I TRUST you to do this work exactly in the way you need for you. I’ll teach you exactly what you need to know and do for you to know how to accept and neutralize your weight and body with ease and grace. I have done this work for myself and coached hundreds of women to do the same. What you’ll learn listening to this episode on the 5 fallacies of weight gain: 5 fallacies of weight gain Why most women have a false understanding of acceptance What you focus on if not number on the scale for your well-being Mentioned in the show:  Women Beyond The Scale Workshop Ticket Undiet Your Life Coaching Program

369-Weight Gain: Experiencing, Processing and Accepting a New Body Weight

369-Weight Gain: Experiencing, Processing and Accepting a New Body Weight
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