“Embracing Motherhood” w/ Lauren Lee

Release Date:

In this episode, meditation teacher and founder of @innerrebel.co shares her experience of the shame around unexpected pregnancy, the judgments she overcame from the traditional ideals that so many of us hold about what starting a family "should look like", and finding empowerment & fulfillment from fully embracing motherhood.

Truly a rebel at heart, Lauren sought out to create her own meaning and a life she wanted, despite opposing views. And now, she is sharing her story publicly for the first time on my podcast (which is so awesome 👏🏽) and has been on a mission to help people think more deeply about their life so they can find their own personal freedom.

Lauren Lee Info:
Instagram: innerrebel.co
App: Insight Timer (meditations)

Resources Lauren suggests for parents:

The Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, Empowering Our Children

Positive Parenting: An Essential Guide

“Embracing Motherhood” w/ Lauren Lee

“Embracing Motherhood” w/ Lauren Lee
Release Date
