#88: Stories from Death at DuPuis (A Backyard Event)

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Here we are with the Final Four of this year's Death at DuPuis Last Man Standing race and these guys ran for hours on end! All of the runners took on a 4.166667 mile loop, or "yard" as it's also known as. The race restarts at the top of the hour every hour until only one runner can complete the loop on time, or everyone quits. On the chat, we've got your back-to-back champion Andy Scholly! He took it home with a total of 133.3344 miles! He is a Last Man Standing/Last Person Standing veteran having won the 2022 Last of the Felascans and last years Death at DePuis! He's also won races like the Last at the Lake in West Point, Georgia! 
Your runner up, or the man who gave Andy the assist was Eric Kalina. He ran for a total of 129.1677 miles! He also recently ran a 3:11 Marathon after Death at DePuis and competed at this year's Long Haul 100 where he placed third overall with a time of 17:05:20! He's also done races like the Riverbend 12 Hour, the Lake to Ocean 100k, and the JW Corbett 50 Miler! 
Then, we have Matt Clapper who ran a total of 120.8343 miles! This guy time and time again pushes himself to the absolute limits! When you look up "grit" on google images, I swear his photos come up! He's done races like the Across Florida 200, the Long Haul 100, Last of the Felascans, the Pinellas Trail Challenge, and the Trident! 
Then we've got Vinny Wood with a brand-new distance PR! and I'm not talking a small PR by any means, he took it home with a total of 100.0008 miles! His previous furthest distance to date was 50 miles at the Nashville Ultra - 50 Miler, then he also ran at this year's Monroe Cross Trail 50 Mile Ultra! Incredible! 
As always this is a homage to Big's Backyard in Tennessee, started by none other than Laz. Leo Acosta is the Race Director for this event and he does one heck of a job putting it on! 

#88: Stories from Death at DuPuis (A Backyard Event)

#88: Stories from Death at DuPuis (A Backyard Event)
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