RESET Your Audition Book with these 5 Questions

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Can every song in your audition book pass this 5-Question test?  If not, your book might actually be stopping you from booking gigs.  That is NOT what you want!
Today, we’re going to RESET your audition book so that it is working FOR you and not AGAINST you. 
I’m going to walk you through 5 questions that you must ask of every song in your book.  If you can answer all YES’s, then you can keep the song.  If not, you’ll pull it out of your book so you can replace it with a song that will be all YES answers.
You might be thinking, I spent SO long collecting these songs, I don’t want to just get rid of them.  Don’t worry!  You won’t have to.  I understand that your audition songs are the result of lots of research and painstaking practice. 
But, do you really want to keep them in your book if they’re not moving you toward your goals?  NO!
You want a book where every song is chosen for a specific purpose and is helping you book the work you want to book.
In this episode, I’m going to help you completely reset your book and get yourself on track to start auditioning again WITH PURPOSE.
This may be a little painful at first, but I promise you that, when your book is full of songs that only say YES to these questions, you are going to be more confident in your auditions, and you’re going to start booking work that is more fulfilling to you as an artist.
Press play and let’s RESET your audition book
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RESET Your Audition Book with these 5 Questions

RESET Your Audition Book with these 5 Questions
Release Date
