Episode 217: Resistance and Readiness

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Show notes
In today’s episode, I talk about resistance and readiness. A lot of us won’t take action because we feel we aren’t ‘ready’. These feelings of doubt, fear, overwhelm, and confusion produce an overall feeling of unpreparedness. I talk about why we don’t have to feel great, sure, less overwhelmed or ready to take action. I share my process for producing urgency and taking action.

How I look at resistance and readiness
Why do you struggle to take action
How focusing on energy and behaviour helps override emotions
How focusing on energy and behaviour helps us take action
The role of self-confidence in helping us feel ready
My process for overcoming resistance, producing urgency and taking action
Things I’ve done before I was ready

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Episode 217: Resistance and Readiness

Episode 217: Resistance and Readiness
Release Date
