Gun law status quo is killing us

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In this episode, Ginnie Graham and Bob Doucette mainly address one topic: Oklahoma’s gun safety laws. They are nearly non-existent, and it’s killing us.
Among talking points:

From Sandy Hook in 2012 to Uvalde, Texas in May to Tulsa, Oklahoma in June: Are people becoming numb to gun violence incidents? With "only" four victims in Tulsa's mass shooting, it was said that "it could have been worse"
The Second Amendment ought to protect people. Law-abiding citizens still can have rights to own guns while laws can be improved to keep guns out of the hands of would-be killers.
Christian values is about sacrifice for the betterment of the world. The victims of gun violence are people and not merely numbers.
With the 2022 election upcoming, our editorial board will potentially make endorsements in some races after talking with candidates, including the upcoming primary.
The Tulsa Jewish Federation honored Oklahoma lawmakers that helped pass House Bill 3720, mandating Holocaust education in Oklahoma schools.
Previewing weekend columns, from both guest op-eds and staff

Related stories:
Editorial: Seize this moment to take control of the gun debate to save lives
Editorial: National epidemic of mass shootings at the door of Tulsa and Oklahoma
May 2022 editorial: After the nation grieves, what's to be done next?
Dec. 18, 2012 editorial: Terrible tragedy at Sandy Hook; Will shootings prompt change?
Taft shooting survivor recounts mass shooting aftermath; alleged shooter denied bond
Saint Francis shooting: Complete coverage from the Tulsa World
Ginnie Graham: Making choices, human behavior at the center of Holocaust education
Column: Tulsa will get through this together
Column: Arming teachers is not the answer; common sense policies are
Column: Why is the trauma of Camp Scott murders true-crime entertainment?
Bob Doucette: All is not well among Oklahoma Republicans

Contact the writers
Editorial Editor Ginnie Graham: Email | Twitter | Follow her stories
Editorial Writer Bob Doucette: Email | Twitter | Follow his stories
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Gun law status quo is killing us

Gun law status quo is killing us
Release Date
