Introverted Agents Guide For Massive Success!

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Myth:  You have to be a real people person to be successful in real estate.  You've got to be outgoing, gregarious, and socially confident to be great at this.
Fact:  Some of the most successful top-producing agents and brokers in the country are self-proclaimed introverts.
Welcome back to America's #1 Daily Podcast, featuring America's #1 Real Estate Coaches and Top EXP Realty Sponsors in the World, Tim and Julie Harris. Ready to become an EXP Realty Agent and join Tim and Julie Harris? or text Tim directly 512-758-0206
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How do you know if you're a natural introvert or extrovert?  Ask yourself what you'd do if you had no appointments this weekend and no worries in the world with plenty of time to spend doing something of your choice.  Would you choose to spend that time with friends and family?  Would you choose to spend the time by yourself?  Going to a party?  Throwing a party yourself?  
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What would your plans be?  If your plans are focused on being around other people, you're likely a natural extrovert.  If your plans are to finish that book you've been working on and snuggle into your favorite reading chair, you're probably a natural introvert.
Would it surprise you to know that all of these famous and successful people are introverts?  Emma Watson, Bill Gates, Christina Aguilera, Warren Buffet, Michael Jordan, Albert Einstein, Gwyneth Paltro, Harrison Ford, and Steven Speilberg.
REAL ESTATE LEADS, LEADS and more LEADS: Question: What is Tim and Julie Harris's favorite PROBATE LEAD PROVIDER? Simple,
Introverts can be very powerful speakers, salespeople, entertainers, entrepreneurs, actors, and leaders of all sorts.   
So how do they do it?  Is there some super secret strategy that you can learn and deploy?
Susan Cain, writer of the book: 'Quiet: The Power of Introverts In A World That Can't Stop Talking', was chosen as one of the top TED talks ever.  According to her, no one is 100% introverted or extroverted.  Many people are a mix but probably tend strongly toward one of the other.  
Society has long rewarded the more outgoing, attention-grabbing types of personalities and tended to ostracize introverts.  Cain says it's ok and even beneficial to be yourself, to not try to force yourself into becoming the quintessential 'Driver Personality' if that is not you.  
How many agents have become messed up in their heads because they 'weren't a driver or an expressive' on the overly used and sometimes abused DISC personality test? will give you a free assessment so you can learn more about yourself and your own tendencies, but remember, this is a guide, not a diagnosis.
You can be successful, keeping your innate personality intact, but learning and internalizing some specific strategies. 
Strategies That Will Change Your Life
1.    Have confidence in the person you are. 
2.     Use scripts that don't sound like scripts.  
3.     Recharge your mental, emotional, and spiritual batteries every day. 
4.     Accept and embrace the fact that you will hear 'no' more than you hear 'yes', and that 'no' is not 'never', it's just 'not now'.  S
5.     Act as if you're an extravert without losing yourself. 

Introverted Agents Guide For Massive Success!

Introverted Agents Guide For Massive Success!
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