Autism - where to start

Release Date:

Many families have questions about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but may not know where to start. It can be a complex topic, and because it is a spectrum, there is huge variation.

In this episode we’re joined by expert Paediatrician Dr Deb Marks, who sees patients with Autism every day, to go through common questions about what Autism is, what signs parents can look out for, how to seek a diagnosis and where to go for help.

Useful links

RCH Kids Health Info Fact Sheet - Autism Spectrum Disorder

Raising Children’s Network

Amaze 1300 308 699

Autism Spectrum Australia 1800 ASPECT (1800 277328)

Victoria State Government, Department of Education and Training: Autism

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Autism - where to start

Autism - where to start
Release Date
