2015 STEPPING STONE Indie Rock Festival

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From humble beginnings in a Tapdong parking lot 12 years ago, the Stepping Stone indie rock festival celebrated another success in 2015 in spite of heavy rain, intense winds and a washed-out beach due to Typhoon Chan-hom. The Korea File was at the festival's Plan B, Daemyung Resort's Diamond Ballroom on Hamdeok Beach, to speak with festival organizer Kim Myoung-su and some of the bands, including: the Stooges-era garage rock of Dead Buttons, https://www.gigmit.com/dead-buttosRomantiqua's guitar-heavy post-rockhttp://www.koreanindie.com/2013/05/07/romantiqua-%EB%A1%9C%EB%A7%8C%ED%8B%B0%EC%B9%B4-when-and-where/the Mogwai-esque soundscape harmonics of Apollo 18 https://apollo18.bandcamp.com/ and the dynamic folk punk of Jeju's own Zen Alone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUA-cLDLoKoFor more on the festival check out Ann Bush's eyewitness account athttp://www.jejuweekly.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=4846

2015 STEPPING STONE Indie Rock Festival

2015 STEPPING STONE Indie Rock Festival
Release Date
