# 139 - Play Bad Cards, Win Good Prizes

Release Date:

Pioneer is a flawed and imperfect format, but that's not going to stop us from playing it. Sometimes we get to play the best cards available to us, and other times we have to suck it up and play cards that ... kinda suck. That's one of the format's greatest charms in our opinion, that there isn't one card that's an auto include in every deck. Sometimes you have to play a card that isn't great because there simply isn't anything better for the situation. And don't even think about NOT running this card, because if you do you run the risk of the entire deck coming apart. For better or worse, you're stuck with this card until something better is printed in Pioneer.
Martin Porter (aka Harry13SCO), star of such First Pioneer hits as "Your Deck Sucks", joins us in this week's episode to talk about what cards in the Pioneer metagame kinda suck, really suck, and some that are actually really good! Are you playing a deck without any bad cards? Are you forced to play bad cards in your deck? And does playing with bad cards reduce your chances of winning or just make you have to work a little bit harder? We answer these questions and ask even more, so don't miss this week's episode!

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# 139 - Play Bad Cards, Win Good Prizes

# 139 - Play Bad Cards, Win Good Prizes
Release Date
