Life Is Movement | Nikki Elkjer - Rogue Wellness

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Food and fitness play integral roles in our lives, one often walks with the other. Today, we’ll be talking with Nikki Elkjer, a primitive wellness and movement expert from Rouge Wellness located in Austin Texas.
Today we’ll be talking about what interested Nikki in the relationship of what we eat to our health, what rogue wellness means, the importance of movement in our lives, and much much more.

Nikki discovered a love of lifting heavy things in college.
After a case of shingles Nikki took a break, reevaluating parts of how she trained.
There is a difference between yoga and mobility training, it’s more a matter of strength training.
Most of our training tends to be linear in method and approach, burbees, lunches, overhead press, rarely rotating the actual joints themselves.
Functional mobility may not be cool to post on Instagram, but it’s important for long term health.
Sitting is often called the new smoking, we move around much less than we did historical.
There’s some connection between some martial art movement of range, as a sports practice it’s most similar to training mobility on a regular basis.
If you want to get fit in the new year, be intentional about what you’re going to do, establish a goal and get accountability.
Don’t set your expectations too high, look at exercising realistically to your context.
Eat right, pick one part of your diet to pay attention to and eat the elephant one bite at a time.

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Life Is Movement | Nikki Elkjer - Rogue Wellness

Life Is Movement | Nikki Elkjer - Rogue Wellness
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