The Way of the Baal Shem

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A gut voch everybody, so I’ll tell you a mayseh. Back in the earlier years of the movement of chassidus, of the Baal Shem there was a large opposition to it with the misnagdim. Unfortunately it’s a historical fact that families were broken because of it, let’s say you’d have one family member who became a chassid and the rest of the family were misnagdim and families fell apart because of it. The story goes that there was a young man who was attracted to the world of the Baal Shem and became a chassid. At the same time his father in law wasn’t a chassid, wasn’t a misnaged either but was certainly cautious. He was willing to give a proper investigation of the way of the Baal Shem, to see if it’s okay or if drastic measures should be taken for his daughter and the marriage but he wanted to investigate. He figures the way to test the Baal Shem’s way of life, if it’s too extreme or will take his son off the derech so he decided he would go to the Baal Hatanya. The town wasn’t too far from the father in law so he figured he would go there for a shabbos, see what’s going on and make a decision after that Shabbos. So he goes there, it happens to be that shabbos by the Baal Hatanya nothing strange was going on. Regular davening, learning it was very nice. After shabbos was over this guy was very impressed and the result of the investigation was he was more than happy for his son in law to be a chassid. But there was one thing that bothered him, not enough to make a big stink in the family but it was bothering him. He saw that the students of the Baal Hatanya spent a lot of time over Shabos learning Chassidus, learning Pnimiyus hatorah and this bothered him that they were sacrificing learning gemara and halacha. He saw everyone was happy and healthy so he was happy for this son in law but this bothered him. He saw people going to yechidus with the Baal Hatanya so I’ll give shalom on my way out and I’ll raise this issue. So he goes, he says it was beautiful. I'm coming from a different world, but I have one question. Why do you and your chassidim spend so much more time, maybe it’s only shabbos but you spend more time on chassidus than other things? Shouldn't the main learning be Gemara and halacha?The Baal Hatanya appreciated the question. He asked how do you make a parnassah? The man answered I have a business. And how much funds are in the business? He gave a certain number. The baal hatanya responded, how much of that was your funding, and how much was money from other people to start the business and maintain the business? The man said I put all my money into the business then I had to borrow some as well, but now it’s profitable boruch hashem. The Baal Hatanya said but I don’t understand, you're a learned person. The gemara said that the way a person should divide up your money should be a third in real estate, a third in business and a third should be in cash. That’s the way it’s supposed to be split up, why didn’t you follow that model?The man said okay it’s a good question, I’d say that the gemara is suggesting this model probably when the business environment is stable and everything is fine and it’s a matter of how to divide up your funds. But if the business environment is shaky to begin with then a person has no choice but to take big risks. It is risky but what can I tell you, without putting in all my money it never would take off!If everything was mesudar and there was enough money then you can follow the gemara. But sometimes you have to take extreme risks. There can be extreme rewards. The Baal Hatanya said that’s exactly why I tell my chassidim to learn a lot of chassidus. When everything is good, normal and healthy in Emunah the gemara says you split your time evenly and there’ll be time for chassidus. But in a time where

The Way of the Baal Shem

The Way of the Baal Shem
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