Crime and California Dems: What To Anticipate This Super Tuesday

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In this episode of the Steve Hilton Show, I talk about the current Republican Party and all the things that come with it: Nikki Haley’s delusion, Trump’s impact, and Mitch McConnell stepping down – bringing the “three Johns” into the ring. I then met with Jennifer Horn, Host of “The Morning Answer” to navigate the possibilities around Super Tuesday in California, her fears, and the hopes she has for voters in Los Angeles. Are California Dems finally signaling that they’ve pushed their policies too far? I wrap things up by speaking with Josh Hoover, Assemblyman for California AD7, to discuss the myth that California is deep blue across the state, where you can see the greatest impact locally, and the bill he’s introduced and sponsored– AD2417, a new approach to California’s homeless problem.

Crime and California Dems: What To Anticipate This Super Tuesday

Crime and California Dems: What To Anticipate This Super Tuesday
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