What You Need to Know About Low Energy Food Swaps

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You don't have to look very hard to see the ‘clean eating’ message all over social media and the internet. While I believe the intention of this movement isn't to create harm, it is problematic in so many more ways that people understand. Key Takeaways If You Want To Stop Making Low Energy Food Swaps, You Should: Put work into unlearning what you have been taught about food and fueling Stop making low energy food substitutions and start fueling for your activity level and volume Join the Group Strength Nutrition Program to explore the 4 Keys of Fueling Your Strength Why ‘Clean Eating’ May Not Be for You If you are an active person and are not fueling your body with the energy needed to complete your chosen activity, you are doing a disservice to your body.  Creating an energy deficit for yourself can happen easily when you are not giving your body the carbohydrates and fats it needs to perform at peak capacity. While nobody is saying that vegetables are bad, it takes more than just vegetables to fuel your body the way it requires. Figuring out the right combination of foods that work for you is the only way to fuel your body the way it should be fueled. Fuelling Your Body the Right Way By being mindful of the old habits that you are still engaging with, you can start to change your mindset and routine to eat in relation to the intensity and volume of your training.  The good news is there is a middle ground to develop awareness, a framework, best practices, and science-based information to fuel yourself for your activity in a way that does not consume your whole life. It doesn't need to be complicated; it just takes some learning and unlearning to see the results you have been looking for. Are you ready to stop counting calories and start eating in a way that is both healthy, but also non-restrictive? Share how you are working to fuel your body the right way for you with me in the comments on the episode page. In This Episode Examples of low energy food substitutions that you may be making without even realizing it (5:52) How ‘clean eating’ and other food trends could be disrupting your strength training (9:21) Why you need more than just vegetables when fueling your activity levels and energy (14:30) Learn my personal story with fueling in relation to my intensity and volume of training (19:05) What to do if you are ready to walk away from macro counting (25:43) Quotes “This is a very common issue that is facing people who are active and working out and lifting weights and challenging themselves and asking their bodies to do fun and hard things. And it really has to do with an element of fueling and energy intake that not a lot of people talk about or are aware of.” (2:49) “You don't intend to do these low energy substitutions or really low carb substitutions, but it is kind of a holdover from your old habits and ways of looking at food.” (11:31) “Vegetables are not bad, vegetables are amazing. Fibre, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, delicious! But they are usually much lower in energy.” (16:40) “I went on to be on a team at CrossFit Regionals in 2013 and really had one of what I would consider the Top 5 athletic performances of my life; it was amazing. It was such night and day contrast from where I had been just a few months earlier because I really started to eat enough, and I didn't go out and count every single thing I was eating.” (24:38) “I want you to experience how amazing it feels, how powerful and strong and badass you feel when you are properly fueled up and recovered, and you can go out there and do hard things.” (30:26) Featured on the Show Join the Group Strength Nutrition Unlocked Program Check out the full show notes here! Follow Steph on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | Pinterest I'd really love it if you would take 1 min and leave us a rating and review on iTunes! Podcast production & marketing support by the team at Counterweight Creative Related Episodes LTYB 352: Energy Flux and Fueling for Athletes with Jamie Scott LTYB 353: Fueling Best Practices for Active People with Jamie Scott LTYB 350: Are You Eating Enough? Low Energy Availability in Sport

What You Need to Know About Low Energy Food Swaps

What You Need to Know About Low Energy Food Swaps
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