How to Get Better Fitness Results

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Investing in your own transformation is a difficult thing for a lot of us, but it is so important. Whether you invest your time, money, or effort, showing up for yourself and investing in your own growth is the key to seeing the results you are hoping for. Key Takeaways If You Are Ready to Invest in the Next Step, You Should: Remember that you are not the only one who doesn’t have everything figured out Take the step to invest in yourself through a coach, training program, or just asking for help Believe that you are worthy of this investment, and watch how you can show up for yourself Your Body is a Garden I have been putting off fixing up my garden for years. Once I finally decided to do something about it, and reach out to an expert for help, my years of procrastination were fixed in just a few hours. What really surprised me was the amount of joy and satisfaction I got from seeing the fruits of my labor. Your nutrition and training program might be a lot like my garden. But instead of feeling overwhelmed and putting it off, or being afraid of asking for help, taking the initiative to invest in yourself will feel so much better than procrastinating. Investing In Yourself Investing in yourself means that you get to borrow the education and expertise from others, and it helps you avoid the constant overwhelm of trying to learn and do everything yourself. Hiring an expert is an investment that you can make that will result in the growth and transformation you are looking for. You are not alone in the challenging things. By believing that you are worth it and investing in your own growth, you can ditch that feeling of overwhelm and experience the great feeling of seeing your own metaphorical garden bloom. Are you ready to invest in your next step? Share your story with me in the comments section on the episode page. In This Episode Discover a recent personal story for my real life that I hope will inspire you (1:32) The main benefits of hiring an expert to help you with your goals (12:23) Understanding the difference between learning, DIY, and borrowing expertise (15:10) Why hiring an expert is an investment in your growth and transformation (17:01) How to take the first steps towards your goal by getting help (20:26) Quotes “I want you to think, where have I been reluctant to ask for and seek out the help that I really need in order to make the progress I want to see and ultimately get the transformation that I really truly want?” (2:27) “When you hire an expert, whether it is a gardener or a nutrition coach or someone to paint your house, you are making a very wise choice.” (12:22) “You are worthy; you have always been worthy; there is no question about your worthiness. And at any point in the process, wherever you are with your nutrition or your strength training, are worthy of hiring someone.” (16:36) “You start to value yourself and show up for yourself differently when you invest in your own growth, in your own transformation.” (18:40) “If you are ready to figure all this stuff out, have expert guidance, get the coaching and the community support that are so so important in long-term progress, then we are waiting for you to apply!” (23:44) Featured on the Show Apply for Strength Nutrition Unlocked Here Full Show Notes Get 20% off Legion Supplements with code STEPH (20% off your first order, double points on follow-up orders Get 10% off GORUCK with code FUELYOURSTRENGTH Follow Steph on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | Pinterest I'd really love it if you would take 1 min and leave us a rating and review on iTunes! Podcast production & marketing support by the team at Counterweight Creative Rate and review on Apple Podcasts Related Episodes FYS 410: The Power of Intrinsic Motivation in Fitness  

How to Get Better Fitness Results

How to Get Better Fitness Results
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