3 Pillars of Self-Trust w/ Shohreh Davoodi

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Listening to your body doesn't happen through a magic pill or a one-size-fits-all answer. It is about leaning into your self-trust and learning to embrace what makes you uniquely you. But how do we actually do that in a practical, hands-on way? The concept of self-trust is an all-encompassing one that considers a lot of different parts about who you are as a person, which is why it is essential to have the proper framework when diving into these topics. Key Takeaways If You Are Looking To Build Self-Trust You Should: Work on building up your consciousness, care, and compassion habits Acknowledge your privileges and how you can use them to help others in your community Lean into courage by questioning the things in your life that you may do out of habit Learn How To Build Self-Trust with Shohreh Davoodi Shohreh Davoodi is a self-trust coach who created her Three Pillars of Self-Trust Framework to help women overcome fear and self-doubt and become brave by conjuring up the courage inside of them. Her framework combines the three main pillars of self-trust, consciousness practices, care practices, and courage practices so that you can figure out who you are and what you value. The Three Pillars of Self-Trust The first step of self-trust is consciousness. This means having the awareness of the things in your life that you want to change, what is working for you in your life and what isn’t, and why. This usually deals with the systems in place in our society that are causing self-doubt, that really has nothing to do with you as an individual.  Next comes care practices. While we all know the importance of self-care, Shohreh takes it a step further and includes principles such as intuitive eating, intentional movement, sleep, and organization all as ways that you can care for yourself and let your body know that it can trust you to listen and take care of it.  The final piece of the puzzle is courage. Engaging with issues such as activism, setting boundaries, and having a more value-driven life are all ways that you can reconnect with your head, heart, and body, to do the things that make you feel good. It Takes a Village That Stands Together To See Real Change In order to engage more authentically with your own self-trust, you need to dive deep and look some scary stuff in the eye. We cannot self-trust our way into community liberation. It takes better community care and systemic changes so that everybody can have self-trust and a better relationship to food and their bodies.  There is no one right way to engage with these practices. By being more understanding and compassionate to the people around you, being in a community that lets you know that you are not alone, and dropping into your body in a time-sensitive way that feels good for you are the best ways to take steps to move closer to deeper self-trust. What is one way that you are going to lean into your courage and let your body know that it can trust you? Share which of Shohreh’s tips you're going to integrate into your routine with me in the comments on the episode page. In This Episode How the mentality of siloing everything you do is getting in the way of your ability to access body trust (9:12) Explore the three pillars of self-trust and the different parts of who you are that you need to consider (13:43) The role of marginalization and consciousness that play into the wellness space (19:32) Recommendations for advocating for the internal and external need for change on a systemic level (24:42) How to establish trust within your body through introspective awareness (27:55) Quotes “My niche is self-trust, but self-trust really encompasses so many different topics and ideas and ways of being in the world. So I can't just talk about self-trust, in talking about self-trust I have to talk about so many other things.” (11:10) “Each of these pillars are important and can stand on their own, but they are most powerful when they bridge together. And that is the foundation of self-trust for an individual.” (15:01) “Almost all of us have privileges in some places, even marginalized folks have privileges in some areas. So we can’t look at the marginalization without also looking at the privilege and how we contribute, knowingly or unknowingly, to the advancement of these systems.” (21:03) “So often when someone is struggling to trust their own body, it is actually because they have gotten messages about bodies like theirs, and what a body like theirs should be or should look like or should feel like.” (32:06) “For everyone who is interested in building more self-trust, the key to doing that is that you have to get to know you and what you want and what you value.” (35:08) Featured on the Show Food Freedom Mini-Course Strength Workout Mini-Course Follow Your Arrow Membership Program Shohreh Davoodi Website One-On-One Coaching with Shohreh Conjuring Up Courage Podcast Follow Shohreh on Instagram | Facebook | TikTok Steph Gaudreau Website Check out the full show notes here! 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3 Pillars of Self-Trust w/ Shohreh Davoodi

3 Pillars of Self-Trust w/ Shohreh Davoodi
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