S01E07: Cultural Differences - FULL EPISODE

Release Date:

Season 01 | Episode 07 | FULL EPISODE
"Cultural Differences"
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East vs West is an age-old battle that plays out in many of our day-to-day interactions whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. Many of us stand in the middle between two vastly different cultures who most times appear to be at drastic odds against each other. How do we navigate in between these cultures? How can we serve as translators and peacemakers between the old guard, represented by our parents and elders and younger generations who have little recollection or understanding of the old world? Join one of the largest SA crews as we discuss these subjects and attempt to find our way to God in this maze of cultural land mines and religious/cultural confusion.
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Above all things have fervent love for one another, for LOVE will cover a multitude of sins. - 1 Peter 4:8
God LOVES you, we LOVE you, bye everybody!

Coptic Orthodox Podcast

S01E07: Cultural Differences - FULL EPISODE

S01E07: Cultural Differences - FULL EPISODE
Release Date
