S01E04: Equality & Gender Roles - PART II

Release Date:

Season 01 | Episode 04 | PART II
"Equality & Gender Roles"
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We live in a time when everyone knows better than everyone else, but especially more than God Himself. Society wants to rewrite what roles God intended for man and woman under their own distorted gospel of equality. Yet, does believing in the Orthodox views of gender and equality mean women should be treated as second class citizens? Is Orthodoxy OK with a woman having a career or should men be the sole bread winners? What about within a marriage; do men and women have equal standing or is society right in calling anything short of this as unjust and abusive? Come join the SA crew as we unpack these very controversial yet very important ideas and seek out what the Christian view on gender roles and equality really is.
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Above all things have fervent love for one another, for LOVE will cover a multitude of sins. - 1 Peter 4:8
God LOVES you, we LOVE you, bye everybody!

Coptic Orthodox Podcast

S01E04: Equality & Gender Roles - PART II

S01E04: Equality & Gender Roles - PART II
Release Date
